Apto's Accountability Advantage

We are committed to ethical business practices and compliance with the industry’s most stringent, reputable security standards.  All of our facilities are e-Stewards certified, recognized as the highest standard for IT Asset Disposition.

Estewards 500x200

    Benefits of e-Stewards certification:

  • Rigorous requirements for data destruction and chain of custody
  • Legal compliance with all laws, including the Basel Convention
  • No sweatshop, child, and prison labor allowed in the supply chain
  • Visibility of hazardous waste through the downstream supply chain
  • Incorporates multiple global standards like NAID AAA
  • Major corporations and environmental groups endorse 
  • Considers impacts of the entire life cycle of products 

e-Stewards since 2015

e-Stewards is the highest e-waste recycling certification in the world with less than 6% of ITAD companies obtaining it. 


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The National Association for Information Destruction (NAID) was first formed as a non-profit in 1994. Aiming to promote the information destruction industry and the safe and secure destruction of information, NAID established a strong code of ethics that requires all member companies to deal fairly and honestly with their customers. 

  • The highest data destruction standard for ITAD companies
  • Provides full verification of all data protection laws and regulations
  • Surprise audits by accredited security professionals help keep us accountable
  • NAID AAA requires full background checks and screening for all team members
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ISO 9001 since 2011

The ISO 9001 is the backbone of our certifications – a quality management system that ensures customer expectations are met.

Four principles and benefits:

  1. Strong Customer Focus
  2. Management Involvement
  3. Process Driven
  4. Continual Improvement

ISO 14001 since 2011

ISO 14001 is a management system that provides a systematic approach for measuring and improving our environmental impact. The ISO 14001 standard certifies that Apto Solutions implements a process of continual improvement, which includes policy, planning, implementation, operation, regular checkups, and reviews by management, thus protecting people, partners, customers, and our planet.

Four principles and benefits:

  1. Environmental impact is measured and improved
  2. Clients' image and credibility are protected
  3. Ensures legal requirements are met
  4. Enables quicker improvement of processes

ISO 45001 (previously OHSAS 18001)

ISO 45001 is a management system ensuring employee safety, reducing workplace risks, and creating better, safer working conditions.

Four principles and benefits:

  1. Improves morale, safety, and performance
  2. Builds trust with community and partners
  3. Creates consistency and efficiency
  4. Preventative risk and hazard assessment