Independent audit certifies that Apto’s new circularity findings meet rigorous accuracy standards, offering ESG-compliant emissions offsetting data and validating its innovative recycling supply chain.
In validation of its efforts to drive scalable and sustainable circularity reporting in the IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) industry, Apto Solutions announces that respected EHS auditing firm, Greeneye Partners, has officially certified the findings of its 2020 Circularity Report. Recently released, the new study is part of a year-long effort to track and map Apto’s recycling processes to help build better blueprints for circularity and ESG reporting. The report comprehensively documents and verifies circular raw material and end product applications from e-waste, but also shows the greenhouse gas emissions saved, using the eStewards Global Impact Calculator developed in conjunction with MIT. Using this real, tangible data, Apto’s customers can offset their other emissions -- something that has become very important with the new government mandate that all publicly traded companies in the US must report their ESG metrics.
Founded more than a decade ago, Greeneye Partners is one of the leading auditors for both recycling and end-of-life processing sites worldwide. In partnering with them to vet the findings of its Circularity Report, Apto hopes to set a high standard for the ITAD industry as it begins its journey toward eliminating e-waste and achieving circularity.
“We strongly believe that independent 3rd party validation and verification is paramount to transparency and accountability,” says Apto CEO Jeffrey Jones. “As an industry, we must trust but verify, and then continue to verify. When it comes to sustainability reporting, many companies are sharing their data and I think that’s great, but adding a layer of verification from an independent auditory adds credibility to the entire industry and helps inspire others to follow suit.”
Greeneye Partners’ rigorous review involved confirming the accuracy of shipping records, declarations of materials received, and verifying tonnage numbers shipped matched those in the financial reconciliation documents. Also reviewed were downstream due diligence audits completed by Apto of their vendors. These records were shown to be accurate in demonstrating the material was sent and received by the final destination or intermediary recycling facilities and were in conformance with standards, legal requirements, and the Superfund Equity Recycling Act.
“Apto’s efforts with the Circularity Report embody why we started Greeneye in the first place -- to really scrutinize our industry’s processes and help guide it toward more environmentally friendly results,” explains Greeneye Partners Co-Founder, Kelley Keogh. “Audits like these show that steps to embrace circularity can work, so long as those processes are tested.”
The Circularity Report began in late 2019, when after winning the Circulars award at the World Economic Forum for their Circular Economy efforts, Apto reviewed their supply chain and realized that while materials were making their way to recyclers through their eStewards certified channels, there was a lack of circular data, or exactly what raw materials and end products the e-waste was actually being turned into. The creation of the report allowed Apto to make adjustments to send materials to the most sustainable recyclers.
Request a copy of the report now!
About Apto Solutions
Apto Solutions is an industry leader and innovator in IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) services with established authority in minimizing environmental, data, and financial risks by consistently maintaining the highest ITAD standards and certifications attainable. Since 2001, our passion for reducing clients’ environmental footprint has driven our spirit of innovation, allowing our partners to discover and embrace the circular economy. Over the years, we’ve demonstrated a strong track record of performance for technology manufacturers, global Fortune 500, financial institutions, and data center providers. Apto is certified by e-Stewards and NAID AAA. Visit aptosolutions.com for more.